Resource placeholder object

An object used to organize resources like service offerings and personnel in larger companies.


Resource placeholders are only available in the pro plan and require the resource allocations feature to be turned on in your workspace.


  "id": "3f8d25b7-b5d2-4e7e-9e22-1fee9a7a8192",
  "name": "Engineer",
  "isActive": true,
  "isBillable": true,
  "rateCurrency": "USD",
  "rate": 200,
  "costCurrency": "USD",
  "costPerHour": 85,
  "createdAt": "2024-07-11T13:10:33.842Z",
  "discipline": {
    "id": "996bf40b-d856-4c8c-b14a-f41b3a015c5b",
    "name": "Software Engineering"
  "location": {
    "id": "7f709db9-93a2-4946-985d-adf50deff22f",
    "name": "Europe"
  "practice": {
    "id": "40f95471-7f7c-4ffa-b838-8dcccab0f54a",
    "name": "Digital Transformation"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the placeholder.
isActivebooleanA flag to indicate if the placeholder is active in the system.
isBillablebooleanA flag to indicate if the placeholder should be billable.
rateCurrencystringThe currency code for the placeholder's rate. This will be null if the resource is not billable.
ratedecimalThe placeholder's rate. This will be null if the resource is not billable.
costCurrencystringThe currency code for the placeholder's cost.
costPerHourdecimalThe placeholder's cost per hour.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
disciplineobjectA simple object to the related discipline. See attributes .
locationobjectA simple object to the related location. See attributes .
practiceobjectA simple object to the related practice. See attributes .

Discipline attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the discipline.

Location attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the location.

Practice attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the practice.