Expense report object

A container for expense items. This helps group expenses for a specific purpose.


  "id": "2bdab00d-86fb-46dc-ae05-7cc9c4aedc80",
  "number": 1000,
  "title": "Las Vegas Convention",
  "notes": "All of the expenses for my trip to Las Vegas in March.",
  "date": "2022-03-11",
  "createdAt": "2022-03-18T15:49:07.486Z",
  "member": {
    "id": "ec5543de-3b0f-47a0-b8ef-a6e18dc4b885",
    "name": "John Smith"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
numbernumberThe report number.
titlestringThe report title.
notesstringAny notes for the report.
datedateThe report date. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
memberobjectA simple object to the related workspace member. See attributes.

Member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the workspace member.