Request limits

The Ruddr API uses safeguards from bursts of incoming traffic to help maximize stability for all users.

Rate limits

All requests are monitored to avoid receiving too many requests from a workspace at a time. Workspaces that send too many requests in quick succession may see error responses that show up with a 429 status code indicating that the rate limit has been hit and the producer should back off (slow down) any future requests.

  • The limit is set to an average of 20 requests per second.
  • There is some bursting available beyond the average rate.

This limit should be treated as a maximum and requests should be spaced out to avoid generating unnecessary load. If you are having a problem with the current rate limits, please contact support.


Rate limits may change

Ruddr may reduce limits to prevent abuse or increase limits to enable high-traffic applications for all workspaces or on a per-workspace basis. Limits may also be changed in the future based on the pricing plan.