Exchange rate period object

Exchange rate periods allow you to set custom exchange rates for specific date ranges. This is useful when you need to override the default exchange rates.


Exchange rate periods are only available in the pro plan and require the multicurrency feature to be turned on in your workspace.


  "id": "w8f46fe3-9c2f-4496-b826-b6b34a4a9fdc",
  "fromCurrency": "USD",
  "toCurrency": "CAD",
  "start": "2024-01-01",
  "end": "2024-12-31",
  "rate": 0.8,
  "createdAt": "2025-02-28T21:13:03.290Z",


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
fromCurrencystringThe currency code for the source currency.
toCurrencystringThe currency code for the target currency.
startdateThe start date for the exchange rate period, in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
enddateThe end date for the exchange rate period, in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
ratenumberThe exchange rate value.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.