
The Ruddr API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Settings then API Keys area of your workspace.


Your API keys can access all of the information in your workspace and are not tied to a specific user, so it is important to keep them secure and only accessible to people who can see and manipulate that information. Do not share your API keys in publicly accessible areas.


To create a new key, go to the API Keys section of your workspace settings and click the Create API Key button. Optionally give the key a name to help identify its purpose or owner and click Submit to generate your new token. It will look something like:



This is the last time you will see the full token. Please copy it down somewhere secure, like a password manager. For security, you will only see the last 4 characters (j3jv) listed when referencing this moving forward.


Once you have generated a token, you can start making requests using the HTTP Authorization header. The Ruddr API accepts bearer tokens in this header. This look like:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Using the example token above, this would translate to:

Authorization: Bearer zCnO4xXiEhA5kd8XkfjimH0jaU1yvEC5ylSD2yWVgyT4PCImlaMm1SfflJ9yPsgsuSMxCo4zEPHubrtCMVgJw18wXUyJpdurj3jv

You can try sending a GET request to the base URL:

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer zCnO4xXiEhA5kd8XkfjimH0jaU1yvEC5ylSD2yWVgyT4PCImlaMm1SfflJ9yPsgsuSMxCo4zEPHubrtCMVgJw18wXUyJpdurj3jv"

If everything is set up correctly, you should get a status code 200 response with a simple object that includes the workspace ID and name.

  "id": "6065948f-542a-4b7a-afa0-f37416bc86d4",
  "name": "Palermo Consulting"

If you get a status code 401 response, double check the bearer token is still active and has been sent properly.

  "status": 401,
  "message": "The provided bearer token is missing or invalid."