Company object

Companies are organizations with which you have a history of communication or business, including potential clients or partners. Each company can be linked to one or more contacts.


Companies are only available in the pro plan and require the pipeline feature to be turned on in your workspace.


    "id": "c5df1486-cf88-4c7d-8f9e-e60bd0522531",
    "name": "Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd",
    "isActive": true,
    "description": "Chain of hotels and resorts across the US, UK, Eastern Europe, Japan, and SE Asia.",
    "billingAddress": "2334 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500\nChicago, IL 60601, USA, Chicago, IL",
    "currency": "USD",
    "facebookUrl": null,
    "linkedinUrl": null,
    "twitterUrl": null,
    "websiteUrl": "",
    "numberOfEmployees": 5600,
    "ownershipClass": "public",
    "phoneNumber": "(312) 596-1000",
    "revenue": 500000000,
    "shippingAddress": "2334 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500\nChicago, IL 60601, USA",
    "tickerSymbol": "GHTL",
    "yearFounded": 2002,
    "createdAt": "2024-07-26T22:05:07.869Z",
    "modifiedAt": "2024-07-26T22:05:07.869Z",
    "companySpendTier": {
        "id": "479db65b-ab95-45d4-9ad2-c1736ed2fbd8",
        "name": "Enterprise"
    "owner": {
        "id": "49745743-36fd-4e9d-9aaf-2ac515551f3f",
        "name": "Cameron Howe"
    "practice": {
        "id": "40f95471-7f7c-4ffa-b838-8dcccab0f54a",
        "name": "Travel Transformation"
    "industry": {
        "id": "b05683fa-4865-4b47-9889-6d8141c0ac93",
        "name": "Hospitality"
    "companyType": {
        "id": "3af1f48c-7a71-4480-a4a8-cfba31315578",
        "name": "Customer - Direct"
    "sicCode": {
        "id": "f2170a84-1aba-4d98-8a7e-1a81eb493d5e",
        "code": "2761",
        "industryTitle": "MANIFOLD BUSINESS FORMS"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the company.
isActivebooleanFlag indicating whether the company is active.
descriptionstringA description of the company.
billingAddressstringThe billing address of the company.
currencystringThe currency code for the company.
facebookUrlstringThe URL to the company's Facebook page.
linkedinUrlstringThe URL to the company's LinkedIn page.
twitterUrlstringThe URL to the company's Twitter page.
websiteUrlstringThe company's website URL.
numberOfEmployeesnumberThe number of employees in the company.
ownershipClassstringThe ownership class of the company. It can be one of the following values: "public", "private", "subsidiary", or "other".
phoneNumberstringThe phone number of the company.
revenuenumberThe annual revenue generated by the company.
shippingAddressstringThe shipping address of the company.
tickerSymbolstringThe company's ticker symbol.
yearFoundednumberThe year the company was founded.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the company object was created.
modifiedAttimestampThe timestamp when the company object was last modified.
companySpendTierobjectA simple object to the related company spend tier, if defined. See attributes.
ownerobjectThe workspace member who is assigned as the relationship owner. See attributes.
practiceobjectA simple object to the related practice, if defined. See attributes.
industryobjectA simple object to the related industry, if defined. See attributes.
companyTypeobjectA simple object to the related company type, if defined. See attributes.
sicCodeobjectThe Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the company. See attributes.

Company spend tier attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the company spend tier.
namestringThe name of the company spend tier.

Member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the member.
namestringThe name of the member.

Practice attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the practice.
namestringThe name of the practice.

Industry attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the industry.
namestringThe name of the industry.

Company type attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the company type.
namestringThe name of the company type.

Sic code attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the SIC code.
codestringThe Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code.
industryTitlestringThe industry title associated with the SIC code.