A document sent to request payment for goods or services.
"id": "998e085f-a7b2-465e-b89e-7ee3a3f2df28",
"companyName": "Palermo Consulting",
"companyStreetAddress": "123 Main St",
"number": "INV-0001",
"statusId": "open",
"billTo": "Acme",
"invoiceFor": "Company Website",
"issuedOn": "2024-01-31",
"servicesThrough": "2024-01-31",
"paymentTermsId": "net_30",
"dueOn": "2024-03-01",
"poNumber": "PO-123",
"notes": "Thank you for your business!",
"emailSubject": "Invoice",
"emails": ["ap@example.com"],
"ccEmails": ["admin@example.com"],
"emailBody": "Thank you for your business!",
"emailFromName": "Palermo Consulting",
"replyTo": "invoices@example.com",
"sendBcc": true,
"sentOn": "2022-12-31",
"currency": "USD",
"subtotal": 750,
"totalDiscount": 100,
"taxRate": 0.1,
"totalTax": 43.33,
"total": 693.33,
"amountPaid": 100,
"amountCredited": 100,
"amountDue": 493.33,
"createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"client": {
"id": "05bc5b36-d7e0-46e6-972e-63b10b5bb2d8",
"name": "Acme"
"projects": [
"id": "1f6ef1a1-e387-471f-a074-1d8606d2bf2a",
"name": "Company Website"
"lines": [
"id": "97765875-0d88-4c9e-8311-58700f7262f2",
"lineNumber": 1,
"item": "Income",
"description": "Software Development",
"quantity": 5,
"rate": 100,
"amount": 500,
"taxable": true,
"invoiceItem": {
"id": "ce9909b7-08a3-4efa-972c-12697678e1f5",
"name": "Income"
"project": {
"id": "1f6ef1a1-e387-471f-a074-1d8606d2bf2a",
"name": "Company Website"
"id": "f655bfa1-5a71-49dc-8dd6-4905ed6f856c",
"lineNumber": 2,
"item": "Expense",
"description": "Expenses (per diem)",
"quantity": 5,
"rate": 50,
"amount": 250,
"taxable": false,
"invoiceItem": {
"id": "c1851b33-fca2-4281-9de8-6f998de4d016",
"name": "Expense"
"project": null
"payments": [
"id": "741ed88d-d401-44de-b574-a812b19e4ff9",
"referenceNumber": "ACH-0001",
"amount": 100
"creditNotes": [
"id": "dca0c2f7-030a-4bcd-82a8-8988484da394",
"number": "1",
"amount": 100
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
companyName | string | Name of the company issuing the invoice. |
companyStreetAddress | string | Street address of the company issuing the invoice. |
number | string | Number assigned to the invoice. |
statusId | string | Status of the invoice. Can be either "draft" , "open" or "paid" . |
billTo | string | Name of the entity billed in the invoice. |
invoiceFor | string | Description of the products or services being invoiced. |
issuedOn | date | Date when the invoice was issued. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
servicesThrough | date | Date through which the services were provided or products were sold. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
paymentTermsId | string | Payment terms associated with the invoice. Can be either "due_on_receipt" , "net_10" , "net_15" , "net_30" , "net_45" , "net_60" , "net_75" or "net_90" . |
dueOn | string | Due date for payment of the invoice. |
poNumber | string | Purchase order number associated with the invoice. |
notes | string | Additional notes or messages included in the invoice. |
emailSubject | string | Subject line for the email containing the invoice. |
emails | array of strings | Array of comma-separated email addresses to which the invoice is sent. |
ccEmails | array of strings | Array of comma-separated email addresses to be cc'ed on the invoice email. |
emailBody | string | Body content of the email containing the invoice. |
emailFromName | string | Name displayed as the sender of the invoice email. |
replyTo | string | Email address to which replies to the invoice email are directed. |
sendBcc | string | Boolean indicating whether to send a blind carbon copy of the invoice email. |
sentOn | date | Date when the invoice email was sent. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
currency | string | Currency in which the invoice is denominated. |
subtotal | number | Subtotal amount before discounts and taxes. |
totalDiscount | number | Total discount applied to the invoice. |
taxRate | number | Tax rate applied to the invoice. |
totalTax | number | Total tax amount calculated for the invoice. |
total | number | Total amount due including taxes and discounts. |
amountPaid | number | Total amount already paid towards the invoice. |
amountCredited | number | Total amount credited towards the invoice. |
amountDue | number | Remaining amount due on the invoice. |
createdAt | timestamp | The timestamp when the object was created. |
client | object | A simple object to the related client. See attributes. |
projects | array of objects | An array of related projects. See attributes. |
lines | array of objects | An array of the invoice line items included in the invoice. See attributes. |
payments | array of objects | An array of the payments applied to the invoice. See attributes. |
creditNotes | array of objects | An array of the credit notes applied to the invoice. See attributes. |
Client attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
name | string | The name of the client. |
Project attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
name | string | The name of the project. |
Invoice Line attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
lineNumber | number | Sequential number assigned to the line item within the invoice. |
item | string | Category or type of item being invoiced. This value is automatically set to the related invoice item's name when the invoice is published. |
details | string | Specific details or additional information about the item or service being invoiced. |
quantity | number | Quantity of the item or service being invoiced. |
rate | number | Unit price or rate for each unit of the item or service. |
amount | number | Total amount for the line item. |
taxable | boolean | Boolean indicating whether the line item is subject to taxation. |
invoiceItem | object | A simple object to the related invoice item. See attributes . |
project | object | A simple object to the related project. See attributes . |
Payment attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number associated with the payment. |
amount | number | The payment amount applied to the invoice. |
Credit Note attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
number | string | Number assigned to the credit note. |
amount | number | The credit applied to the invoice. |
Invoice Item attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | The unique identifier for the object. |
name | string | The name of the invoice item. |