Credit note object

A document sent to request payment for goods or services.


  "id": "a7298cb7-a0f2-46b7-9fa0-e0a75c91a0eb",
  "companyName": "Palermo Consulting",
  "companyStreetAddress": "123 Main St",
  "number": "CN-0001",
  "statusId": "applied",
  "billTo": "Acme",
  "creditNoteFor": "INV-0001",
  "issuedOn": "2024-01-01",
  "poNumber": "PO-123",
  "notes": "Thank you for your business!",
  "emailSubject": "Invoice",
  "emails": ["[email protected]"],
  "ccEmails": ["[email protected]"],
  "emailBody": "Thank you for your business!",
  "emailFromName": "Palermo Consulting",
  "replyTo": "[email protected]",
  "sendBcc": true,
  "sentOn": "2022-12-31",
  "currency": "USD",
  "subtotal": 750,
  "taxRate": 0.1,
  "totalTax": 43.33,
  "total": 693.33,
  "appliedCredit": 693.33,
  "remainingCredit": 0,
  "createdAt": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "lines": [
      "id": "49a97b8a-47f3-42fc-8ab2-7720782f117c",
      "lineNumber": 1,
      "item": "Income",
      "description": "Software Development",
      "quantity": 5,
      "rate": 100,
      "amount": 500,
      "taxable": true,
      "invoiceItem": {
        "id": "ccba4f62-8ed8-4417-9677-df6999bc2358",
        "name": "Income"
      "project": {
        "id": "faa719de-acfe-464c-b3b9-0cb4676bf1fb",
        "name": "Company Website"
      "id": "0fc82e24-d57f-4965-b332-29548e554bf6",
      "lineNumber": 2,
      "item": "Expense",
      "description": "Expenses (per diem)",
      "quantity": 5,
      "rate": 50,
      "amount": 250,
      "taxable": false,
      "invoiceItem": {
        "id": "ebcb4544-d9e3-491f-a749-35e950aa692c",
        "name": "Expense"
      "project": null
  "invoices": [
      "id": "73ca355c-8c4d-4d21-936a-f776d6981911",
      "number": "INV-0001",
      "amount": 693.33
  "client": {
    "id": "27c4c542-5c87-4bc1-90a3-b67b40430be9",
    "name": "Acme"
  "projects": [
      "id": "faa719de-acfe-464c-b3b9-0cb4676bf1fb",
      "name": "Company Website"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
companyNamestringName of the company issuing the credit note.
companyStreetAddressstringStreet address of the company issuing the credit note.
numberstringNumber assigned to the credit note.
statusIdstringStatus of the credit note. Can be either "draft", "open" or "applied".
billTostringName of the entity credited by the credit note.
creditNoteForstringDescription of the products or services being credited.
issuedOndateDate when the credit note was issued. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
poNumberstringPurchase order number associated with the credit note.
notesstringAdditional notes or messages included in the credit note.
emailSubjectstringSubject line for the email containing the credit note.
emailsarray of stringsArray of comma-separated email addresses to which the credit note is sent.
ccEmailsarray of stringsArray of comma-separated email addresses to be cc'ed on the credit note email.
emailBodystringBody content of the email containing the credit note.
emailFromNamestringName displayed as the sender of the credit note email.
replyTostringEmail address to which replies to the credit note email are directed.
sendBccstringBoolean indicating whether to send a blind carbon copy of the credit note email.
sentOndateDate when the credit note email was sent. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
currencystringCurrency in which the credit note is denominated.
subtotalnumberSubtotal amount before taxes.
taxRatenumberTax rate applied to the credit note.
totalTaxnumberTotal tax amount calculated for the credit note.
totalnumberTotal amount due including taxes and discounts.
appliedCreditnumberThe amount of credit applied from the credit note towards invoices.
remainingCreditnumberThe remaining amount of credit available on the credit note after applying it towards invoices.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
clientobjectA simple object to the related client. See attributes.
projectsarray of objectsAn array of related projects. See attributes.
linesarray of objectsAn array of the line items included in the credit note. See attributes.
invoicesarray of objectsAn array of the invoices that this credit note is applied to. See attributes.

Client attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the client.

Project attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the project.

Credit Note Line attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
lineNumbernumberSequential number assigned to the line item within the credit note.
itemstringCategory or type of item being credited. This value is automatically set to the related invoice item's name when the credit note is published.
detailsstringSpecific details or additional information about the item or service being credited.
quantitynumberQuantity of the item or service being credited.
ratenumberUnit price or rate for each unit of the item or service.
amountnumberTotal amount for the line item.
taxablebooleanBoolean indicating whether the line item is subject to taxation.
invoiceItemobjectA simple object to the related invoice item. See attributes .
projectobjectA simple object to the related project. See attributes .

## Invoice attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
numberstringNumber assigned to the invoice.
amountnumberThe credit applied to the invoice.