Client object

A person or organization using your services. All projects are tied to a client in Ruddr.


  "id": "4cacdf11-71d1-4fbb-90ee-b091803581b0",
  "key": "joes-shop",
  "name": "Joe's Shop",
  "code": "JOE",
  "currency": "USD",
  "notes": "Originally based out of Colorado.",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"
  "streetAddress": "500 Main Street \nAtlanta, GA 43003",
  "useWorkspaceInvoiceDetails": false,
  "paymentTermsId": "net_15",
  "invoiceNotes": "Please remit payment via ACH to Bank: 009235923",
  "isInternal": false,
  "recordStatusId": "active",
  "createdAt": "2022-02-24T16:08:18.640Z",
  "practice": {
    "id": "40f95471-7f7c-4ffa-b838-8dcccab0f54a",
    "name": "Digital Transformation"
  "owner": {
    "id": "db010cff-a6f6-4c4e-8160-b6b7562865ff",
    "name": "Cameron Howe"
  "tags": [
      "id": "8670e0fd-bd7a-457e-bec9-eff2b1c12b78",
      "name": "Tier 1 Client"
      "id": "032901d9-4a10-4ff7-af3a-a04ff6e6e606",
      "name": "Mid-Atlantic Region"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
keyslugA unique, URL-friendly identifier for the client.
namestringThe name of the client.
codestringThe client code.
currencystringThe currency code for the client.
notesstringAny notes that have been given.
emailsarray of stringsA list of invoice email addresses associated with the client.
streetAddressstringThe invoice street address of the client.
useWorkspaceInvoiceDetailsbooleanA flag used to override the paymentTermsId and invoiceNotes properties with settings set on the workspace.
paymentTermsIdstringThe invoice payment terms. Can be any of the following values: "due_on_receipt" (Due on receipt), "net_10" (Net-10), "net_15" (Net-15), "net_30" ('Net-30), "net_45" ('Net-45), "net_60" ('Net-60), or "net_90" ('Net-90).
invoiceNotesstringThe invoice notes.
isInternalbooleanA flag used to identify the internal client for a workspace. This client is automatically created on workspace creation.
recordStatusIdstringThe status of the client object. Possible values are: "active" (Active) or "archived" (Archived).
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
practiceobjectA simple object to the related practice, if defined. See atttributes.
ownerobjectThe workspace member who is assigned as the relationship owner. See attributes.
tagsarray of objectsThe list of associated tags. See attributes.

Practice attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the practice.

Member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the member.

Tag attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the tag.