Expense item object

A purchased product or service.


  "id": "77f5ccdc-4226-4ff1-877e-5644d0a04522",
  "statusId": "approved",
  "vendor": "Delta",
  "notes": "Flight to LAS",
  "date": "2022-03-11",
  "amount": 345.36,
  "unitCount": 23,
  "unitAmount": 0.575,
  "isReimbursable": true,
  "isBillable": true,
  "invoiced": false,
  "createdAt": "2022-03-18T16:51:51.148Z",
  "expenseReport": {
    "id": "2bdab00d-86fb-46dc-ae05-7cc9c4aedc80",
    "title": "Las Vegas Convention"
  "expenseCategory": {
    "id": "175e0635-ac9e-4880-8492-07fa584f1b15",
    "name": "Airfare",
    "unitName": "mile"
  "member": {
    "id": "ec5543de-3b0f-47a0-b8ef-a6e18dc4b885",
    "name": "John Smith"
  "project": {
    "id": "095e0780-48bf-472c-8deb-2fc3ebc7d90c",
    "name": "Vendor Portal",
    "client": {
      "id": "4cacdf11-71d1-4fbb-90ee-b091803581b0",
      "name": "Joe's Shop"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
statusIdstringThe status of the expense item.
vendorstringCan be either "not_submitted" (Not Submitted), "pending_approval" (Pending Approval), "approved" (Approved), or "rejected" (Rejected).
notesstringAny notes for the expense item.
datedateThe date of the expense item. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
amountnumberThe total amount of the expense item.
unitCountnumberThe number of units for the expense item. This is only available for an expenseCategory that has a unitName. A typical example would be the "number of miles" for a mileage category.
unitAmountnumberThe cost per unit for the expense item. This is only available for an expenseCategory that has a unitName. A typical example would be the "rate per mile" for a mileage category.
isReimbursablebooleanA flag to determine if the expense is reimbursable to the associated workspace member.
isBillablebooleanA flag to determine if the expense item is able to be billed back to the client.
invoicedbooleanA flag to indicate if the expense item has been invoiced.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
expenseReportobjectA simple object to the related expense report. See attributes.
expenseCategoryobjectA simple object to the related expense category. See attributes.
memberobjectA simple object to the related workspace member. See attributes.
projectobjectA simple object to the related project, if available. See attributes.

Expense report attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
titlestringThe title of the expense report.

Expense category attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the expense category.
unitNamestringThe unit name for the expense category. If provided, this implies the related expense item will have a unitCount and unitAmount. A typical example would be the "mile" for a mileage category.

Member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the workspace member.

Project attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the project.
clientobjectA simple object to the related client. See attributes.

Client attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the client.