Project task object

A work item or activity that helps complete a project.


  "id": "9c24bb6b-9ee1-4479-82ab-fd00eba397e6",
  "name": "Fix iOS app bug",
  "notes": "There is an issue when opening the app after logging out where it freezes.",
  "order": 1,
  "statusId": "completed",
  "start": "2022-03-07",
  "end": "2022-03-11",
  "isBillable": true,
  "lockTime": false,
  "capHours": false,
  "capAssignedHours": false,
  "code": "PT-2024-00031",
  "forAssignedOnly": false,
  "requireNotes": false,
  "budgetedHours": 60,
  "createdAt": "2022-03-16T15:08:30.256Z",
  "project": {
    "id": "095e0780-48bf-472c-8deb-2fc3ebc7d90c",
    "name": "Vendor Portal",
    "client": {
      "id": "4cacdf11-71d1-4fbb-90ee-b091803581b0",
      "name": "Joe's Shop"
  "roles": [
      "id": "7ad5a34a-07b7-48e9-a760-bd220d52e354",
      "name": "Mobile Developer",
      "hours": 40
      "id": "d5afaffe-09e5-4d73-b02c-905b40fc6c22",
      "name": "Project Manager",
      "hours": 20
  "projectMembers": [
      "id": "919cdfe5-e642-4e76-9e10-668abf028245",
      "member": {
        "id": "3f3df320-dd95-4a42-8eae-99243fb2ea86",
        "name": "John Smith"
      "hours": 40
      "id": "c76d9cc0-7d7b-4038-b3a0-0dcc3841d88f",
      "member": {
        "id": "ec5543de-3b0f-47a0-b8ef-a6e18dc4b885",
        "name": "Cameron Howe"
      "hours": 20
  "tags": [
      "id": "5a43ffc1-a88c-4d39-8dfe-3c53b827aa05",
      "name": "Engineering"
      "id": "fa213f9b-b867-493b-a0d9-5d49b64f9fc7",
      "name": "High Priority"


iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the project task.
notesstringAny notes that have been given.
ordernumberThe order of the task relative to the other tasks in the project.
statusIdstringThe project task status. Can be either "not_started" (Not Started), "in_progress" (In Progress), or "completed" (Completed).
startdateThe start date. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD, if set.
enddateThe end date. Will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD, if set.
isBillablebooleanA flag to determine if the task is billable or not.
lockTimebooleanA flag to determine if time entries associated to this task should be locked and prevent new time entries being created with this task.
capHoursbooleanA flag that will prevent time entries from being created that would go over the budged hours for this task.
capAssignedHoursbooleanA flag that will prevent time entries from being created that would go over the budged hours assigned to the role or member for this task.
codestringThe project task code.
forAssignedOnlybooleanA flag that allows only assigned members and roles to track time to this task.
requireNotesbooleanA flag to require notes to be entered on time entries when using this task. Will always be set to true if the project is set to require notes.
budgetedHoursnumberThe total hours budgeted for this task. If the project is using roles and roles have been defined, this will be the total hours assigned to those roles. If the project is not using roles and there are project members assigned, this will be the sum of the hours for members. Otherwise, this will be a raw value.
createdAttimestampThe timestamp when the object was created.
projectobjectA simple object to the related project. See attributes.
roleslist of objectsA list of simple objects of the assigned project roles. This will be null if the project is not using roles. See attributes.
projectMemberslist of objectsA list of simple objects of the assigned project members. Member can be assigned even when using roles. See attributes.
tagsarray of objectsThe list of associated tags. See attributes.

Project attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the project.
clientobjectA simple object to the related client. See attributes.

Client attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the client.

Role attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the role.
hoursnumberThe number of hours assigned to this role for this task.

Project member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
memberobjectA simple object to the related workspace member. See attributes.
hoursnumberThe number of hours assigned to this project member for this task. This will be null if the project is using roles.

Member attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the workspace member.

Tag attributes

iduuidThe unique identifier for the object.
namestringThe name of the tag.